Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Secret to Joy

Yes, I just had to check in again and tell you, the secret to joy IS the storage unit at this point in my life. In fact, I'm thinking of renaming this blog "Storage Units are Awesome."

It'll be interesting next month when we move out of state and have to empty it back into our house. That will be the true test, of course.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My House is Getting Clean!

OMG, the more I pack up, the easier my life becomes. A recap: We got a storage unit a few months ago, and in a fit of desperation, I sent over about 1/3 of our posessions to it. Immediately the place felt tolerable!

Then, about a month ago we found out we are moving to Wisconsin in about six weeks. So I started packing up more. By this time, the storage unit is full, but I am packing boxes and stacking them along a wall. My little sister came over yesterday to help. And, of course, I am throwing out plenty of things, or donating them to the Free Pile* downstairs.

The more we get packed up, the easier it is to clean. By now, most of the toys are either packed or are way up high on my studio table, because they have been confiscated because my 2-yo was throwing them at the windows.

Just this morning I thought, "So THIS is how normal people feel!" Because really the only parts of the house that are really disorganized and crazy now are the office/kids-and-my-clothes room, and the hallway to the bathroom, which is also my studio. :)