Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Light at the End of the Tunnel!

You know why I never post anymore? Because my manifestation (naming this blog what I wanted to be true) is working! I really don't think organizing is hard anymore. I still have some problem areas in my house, but I now know WHY they are problem areas, and how to fix them.

The most obvious example of this is my basement. I taped up signs all over the walls, which said what was going to be stored in each section. For example, there are signs that say "Biking Stuff" and "Art Supplies" and "Off-Season Clothes". My basement would be spotless except for the fact that we knew we would only be here a year or less, so we declined to invest in expensive shelving.

I have to say, once again, that I owe almost everything to Organizing from the Inside Out. With a little help from Byron Katie, David Allen, and my astrologer.

I now declare myself officially competent.

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