Friday, March 6, 2009

A Storage Unit!!!

I am so against having a storage unit, which is why I feel so giddy with joy after finally getting one. It's like amor prohibido.

Have I mentioned that I've moved 23 times since I was 18 years old? And there are four of us in the house (apartment) now, not including the cat. Every time we move, we ditch some stuff, have to get a bunch of new stuff to work in the new space, and then we have all these things that we don't know what to do with, because they are beloved or have meaning, but we can't use them in the existing space.

Like right now, I have three big boxes of decorations. Things I got in India, things I or a friend made, and lots of framed photographs that I just don't have the energy to hang this time around. But I will next time!

So, we got a storage unit. Can I tell you of the joy I felt the day I knew this was to be? We've moved out two carloads already, and more to go. Finally, I feel like I can *breathe*.

Now, a storage unit is not for everyone. Only *you* can know if it's right for you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about a minute. Then ask yourself, is a storage unit going to make my life easier, or harder in the long run? Then just sit and wait for the answer to surface.

I think I'm probably one of the few kinds of people that a storage unit will work for. We know we are moving again within a year, so we will be emptying it out then. So I am not afraid we'll just leave everything in there forever, like my dad does. I have also heard of really anal, responsible people using storage units to put their seasonal clothing in and stuff like that. I think that's another great reason to get one. Another great reason might be that you don't want to go and move into a McMansion just because you have too much stuff. With a storage unit you can stay in a small house. Or if you need to *think* clearly for a while, a storage unit might be a great way to go.

In any case, I am really looking forward to living in a space where I am not tripping all over boxes.

And soon enough I will have my very own studio, so I can stop trying to run a business from a 2-bedroom apartment. That will make for some great blogging, too.

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